Sunday, March 12, 2017

Fun over at Day Break

Shooting pictures in Day Break, Utah is a lot of fun. I liked how the water, homes and the distant mountains all looked together here.
Fun with lines, what more can I say? The wide angle lens made this walkway appear to go on forever.
 These rocks along Day Break Lake looked great; probably because spring has not yet arrived and most vegetation around looked pretty dull still.
The homes here are amazing, but what they have done with the lake, and all the little additions with it are awesome. I loved the reflection here.
I have a thing for bridges that is for sure, and Day Break has many!
Day Break may still be a work in progress, but look at this view! Imagine how it will look when the landscaping is done and spring arrives.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Some Fun With Flowers

With spring still a few weeks away I decided to splurge on some flowers at the store so I had something to take pictures of. I am finding that I really like taking pictures of trees and vegetation and landscapes. I am still pretty new though, and look to branch out in the coming months. These flowers turned out great!
This is a Bromeliad, it was fun to take pictures of this guy, even though I had more than a few turn out sort of as red blobs. I am sure its because of my proximity and lens choice.
This is the best picture of the Bromeliad, it really is pretty. I like how in this picture you can see the more subtle changes in colors and how it contrasts with the green and a blurred background.

 A close up of some roses, they turned pretty nice in the low light I had to work with. I really like how the texture of the petals really comes out in the 50mm lens while providing that bokeh in the background.
 This lovely Orchid turned out pretty good too. I have come to appreciate shades of purple, and how they look when they blur in the background.
This is a close up of the Bromeliad, I like how green the leaves are of this guy. There is something about this photo that is just easy on my eyes.  I